I am building a project to try out some external software (capture nexum. its for lighting programming.) and have come to ponder a question, in the arena I have a good few thousand seats in the model. the other software can handle it happily, but sketchup is lagging rather dramatically when they are in view. I normally just hide all but the ones in the corners to allow me to keep editing but I’m wondering if there is a better option. I’m knowhere near finished but I can already predict the lag I will experience will be tremendous.
my main concern is the fact of the way they are layed out. there are currently lots of overlapping components (multiple instances of a component within a component) and groups within those components. is it going to make a major difference in terms of performance if I remove the nested components/groups, or would it not be worth it in terms of performance?
the current components - groups are as follows:
seating is in components of 12 columns by 16 rows. each seat contains 2 entities, a bracket group and a seat group.
stairs are positioned on ends or every 2 banks of seats in longer runs, they contain 14 steps with white strips and a single step for at the lowest level.
heres the model statistics:
Edges 958202
Faces 510208
Triangles 952530
Component Instances 839
Groups 6941
Component Definitions 36
Layers 1
Materials 13
Styles 1