Colouring a copied item

i dont have any need no. Use grey thanks

i dont have ‘outliner’ on my default tray?

Add it by going to Window>Default Tray and selecting it.

Not directly relevant to your original question, but you have a pretty large number of “loose” - that is not contained in a group or component - edges and faces in the model. There can cause confusion during later editing. It would be better to make groups or components from them as soon as you have drawn something that could be considered to be an object - for example a wall, floor, etc.

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i did group when in 2d then raised the walls up and didnt group furter . is this what you mean?

No. The walls are not grouped. They are just loose geometry. The sink basins are also just loose geometry.

Here I’ve fixed up some of your model. I corrected face orientation for some things, simplified the toilet component and did some other general cleanup. I’ve also purged unused stuff from the model. This reduced the file size by 85%.
whitehead downstairs loo purged.skp (5.1 MB)

thanks. I was aware how to purge but havent yet -thank you. So do i always group my walls after each one drawn? and do i always group items imported from the 3d warehouse?

That’s usually a good practice, though sometimes all the walls can be a single group.

Items from the 3D Warehouse will import as components already, so no need to wrap them in another layer. It is a good idea to download them into a separate empty model so that you can check them for unnecessary detail and other issues before copying them into your real model. There are lots of models in the 3DW that are poorly made. Some of them so bad they can bloat your model to the point that it becomes hard to work with.

good advice. Are there any particular items from 3d warehouse you would avoid? I know to avoid high polygons to help with computer speed

The problem items in the 3DW tend to cause issues when used as entourage (that is, decorative elements not really part of your primary model). Unfortunately, it is not always possible to detect the issues without first downloading them, which is one reason to download them to an empty model.

One class of issues is detail that might be appropriate in a stand-alone model of just that object, but isn’t needed for entourage. For example:

  • tiny features that won’t be visible in any needed view of your model. This is a common issue with smoothly curved edges and surfaces that were drawn with more segments than will make a difference at the zoom levels you need. These can usually be avoided by looking at the poly counts, as you noted.
  • internal structures that won’t be visible in your model. For example I once encountered a piano model that had all of the internal workings captured in fine detail. Appliance models often come with things such as shelves that can’t be seen with the door closed.

Another class is irrelevant content that suggests sloppy editing by the author, such as unused, unpurged components and unnecessary hidden edges, faces or objects. There is one model of a pergola that has hundreds of strange residual things scattered over a huge area but hidden!

Another class is objects placed far from the model origin (or components placed at the origin, but whose contents are far from the origin). These often result from import of CAD models. They can also result when people scatter alternatives out along the axes instead of leaving them in place and using tags to view them selectively. Models that are geolocated differently than yours will also usually lead to remote objects.

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