Close an open circle of a cone-like curfiloft mesh


what is the perfect workflow to close the upper side of this mesh?

I built it before with to circles with different radius and combined it with CurviLoft.


What is it that you actually want as an end product? If I was modeling a closed cone the last thing I would do is use Curviloft. I would use a triangle as a profile and a circle as a Follow Me path.


I would also make sure the face orientation is correct so no exposed blue back faces.

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Thank you for that input! Looks like I did not have alway Follow Me in my mind!

I will post the result later here! It’s really hard for my head to think in “profiles” and a round path. Thank you DaveR!

Thank you for your input!

I got it with Follow Me:

Is there a way btw. to find the center of a circle (with and without face) to draw that vertical wall to paint the finale profile for the Follow Me tool?

If it’s a circle use inferencing to find the center. Hover over a vertex on the edge of the circle with the Line tool and the center will be highlighted. Move the cursor to that point.

If this is the only thing in your model, create it centered on the origin so you can see where the center of the circle is. Also, when drawing the circle make sure you are dragging the radius out on axis.

If the object in your video is all you want, here is yet another option.
Also showing as @DaveR mentioned, drawn on axis using the origin for center.
GIF 3-02-2025 9-37-53 AM

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also if you right click on the circle (the line not the face) there is a “find centre” choice. not 100% about the english translation :wink: