Is it possible to clear the list of previously opened files in Sketchup?
Is it possible to clear the list of previously opened files in Sketchup?
Not that aware of!
I don’t think SketchUp itself offers this function on Windows. I’m no Windows expert, but this link seems to describe how to clear the list.
There is a way, but it’s very clumsy. Take all the models in your list, move them to a temporary location, then from inside SketchUp click on each file name in the list, an error message pops up and your list is cleared of that model.
The automated way on MS Windows is via a command.
With SketchUp closed.
command into the console at the prompt.reg delete "HKCU\Software\SketchUp\SketchUp 2018\Recent File List" /va /f
"The operation completed successfully."
If like you can copy the command into a text editor and save with a .cmd
file extension.
Then you can run the cmd script any time you wish to clear the file list when SketchUp is closed.
It worked, thank you!
Which of the 3 methods worked for you ?
It was the 3rd one that worked!
Now I have another question is it possible to delete the components in the Components Tray without deleting the actual model?
Window/Model Info/Statistics - Purge unused will remove any components that are not in use.
Deleting a component will delete all instances of it. If you want it to stay in the model you would need to explode it. You can right-click on a component in the Components panel and select instances of it, then explode all of them in one go.
Why would you want to do that?
I’m just trying to clean up a lot of unused junk I have because when I first asked you for help, I had been making lots of pieces and stuff that I had been practicing with and I just wanted to reset back to zero!
I see. How about going to Window>Model Info>Statistics and clicking on Purge Unused. That’ll get rid of all the unused stuff in your model file.
Did not work!
You can’t remove components from the In Model Components collection if they are used in the model space without removing them from the model itself. The ones shown in the Components panel are the references for what’s in the model itself.
How was it you changed the background to white?
In your model? I edited the style and then updated it.
Go to the Edit tab and select the Background settings.
Turn off the Sky and click on the green square for the Background color. Change it to white.
Then click on the large thumbnail with the circular arrows on it to update the style.
Cool, thank you!
FWIW, I use a slightly off-white color for the background. That helps me avoid mistaking holes through which I see the background for faces with the default color. Especially important for parallel projection scenes.