Can't see dimensions on my model

Hi! Lately, the dimensions on my models disappear… I have to close and reopen the file to see them again. Can someone help? Thanks!

I know, it’s a pain. But isn’t clicking ‘Save’ ( … > saving ) enough to get them back again? This has helped me.

The issue is reported by several others and SU staff are working on to fix it.

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No, they only come back reopening the file… Thank you very much.

Ups, i did not find it on the forum… Good news to know they’re working on it! Thanks a lot.

If you go to “model info” and change your decimal placing in “display precision” it makes the sizes reappear for a while

It works! (for a while, as you said, but better than nothing…). Thank you very much.

Issue should be resolved now.
Please refresh and try again.

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