Cannot open 2015 in "Make" mode

Howdy All. Is there a fix for this yet? I downloaded the latest version of SKM 2015 and removed the directory from ~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2105 but I’m still getting the licencing issue. Someone posted that there was a new version but that post seemed to be about a month ago. Thanks!

Jeeeeze, I didn’t see tha there was an “I agree” button to accept the make license. I’m in!

I am still trying to get 2015 Make to open on my Windows 7 Laptop. Still get the bugsplat screen after uninstalling and reinstalling 3 times…is there an outlook for the fix to be available or would I be better served trying to find and load the 2014 version?


So your problem probably has nothing to do with the license problems (probably fixed in the latest maintenance release) discussed in this thread.

If you get a bugsplat, the first thing to try would be to look for and install an update to your graphics card driver software.

Powerful laptop computers often have an integrated Intel graphics chip in addition to the real graphics card. In this case you should also check in the graphics card control panel 3D settings that SketchUp is set to use the graphics card, not the chip.


Thanks, Anssi…

It is a Lenovo Laptop with an Intel Chip Set and the graphics SW is current. I can’t see an independent graphics card in the control panel to try and adjust 3D settings as you recommend.

One interesting thing is when I look in Program Files under Sketchup I have a Sketchup 2015 folder that contains the license file, a “Layout” folder and a “SketchUp” folder. The "Layout folder has numerous files that you would expect, but the “Sketchup” folder is empty!

I’d appreciate any ideas you or Bugra might have!


That’s strange. Is it possible that you looked in ProgramData (as opposed to Program Files)? That’s the only way this would make sense.

Do you see the bugsplat dialog come up? If so, please submit a report with “Poetzing” in the comments and I’ll find it.

How do I “PM” you…I don’t know what that means. I’m having the same problem as everyone else here; su make 2015 is asking me for a license. I can follow your instructions to give you a file but don’t know how to send it to you. Please let me know, I’d like to get back to using this great program.

‘PM’ means ‘Private Message’ - a common abbreviation.
You use it to send info or attachments to specific recipients when you would not want everyone to see it…
Click on the user’s name in the post title and a PM dialog appears…
You can also click on an @xxx link…

I have sent you a PM as an example, look in the top-bar to see the notification icon…

@trevorbwilk Please download the latest version of Make 2015. These issues should now be resolved.

I found a solution for these problems you all are having. When you open SketchUp, there should a be a “Remove License” link somewhere on the page. Click that link and follow the steps to remove your license. After you do that, SketchUp offers you the option to buy SketchUp Pro 2015 or use SketchUp for free by clicking “I agree” in the bottom right corner. Click “I agree” and you are free to use SketchUp Make.

Hello i think i have solution
today here is 28 jan ; i change the date to 28/02/2015 ; the trial version finished and sketchup converted to make
than i change the date to 28/01 and i found that free license added and will activated after trial period finished

@seghier: SketchUp Make comes with a 30-day trial of Pro features. You do not need to play with your system clock. You can enjoy Pro features for 30 days. After that, SketchUp will ask your permission to run as Make. This is entirely by design.

Hi, bugra. I’m extremely grateful for your input. I’m having exactly the same problem. I have Vista 32 bit.


Hi, 10 Jan 2015 I replied to an earlier message, but thought I should here too. Still getting the same problem, Vista 32 bit. Thanks Graham.

@graham_orm: SketchUp 2015 does not support Windows Vista so I am wondering how it installed for you at all. Can you please find this file:

C:\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\SketchUp.exe

right click on the file, click Properties, click the Details tab and let me know what the “File version” field says?

UPDATE I have the 2014 currently…I’ve downloaded and uninstalled so many versions!!

I can’t find an exe file. This is what I get when I right click on the application file

By the way I’ve been trying 2013 and 2014 versions as well, I created some stuff in 2014 but now get the same message as 2015 and it won’t let me open it. I can open 2013 but it wont open the stuff I did in the 2014 version

@graham_orm: Looks like you actually installed SketchUp 2014 Pro, not Make. So, its expiration after the 8hr trial is expected behavior.

I am pretty certain it was the make version. I’ll uninstall and reinstall can you give me a link to the best source please?

The SketchUp site only has the latest (2015) version of Make so you will have to look elsewhere.
