Can I use Sketchup free for home use

i had sketchup on my pc and i use for free now i am trying to find a version to download on my mac but cannot find a free version

You can use SketchUp Free which is web-based and runs in your browser. They no longer offer a free desktop version, though. The last one was SketchUp 2017 Make but it isn’t offically available.

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how do i find it

The web-based version? Start here:

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thank you

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im happy with an older version, is that possible?

There’s no official legitimate source for the old versions. They are not supported for security concerns and web resources like the 3D and Extension Warehouses don’t support those old versions. Those old versions do not support the new Mac operating system versions and some poeple who still have those old versions find they won’t work properly with recent OS versions. You might be able to find one of the old versions if you search the web but you’re on your own if there’s issues.

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Link to SketchUp Web

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My Pro 2021 had a bug splat yesterday, not allowing me to open SketchUp files. Looks like SketchUp will not allow me to use it anymore.

Thank you for sending in the bugsplat reports. I looked at them, and some of them seem to be failing during the time your NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 is being initialized. Other times it’s when the welcome screen is closing.

For the Nvidia case you could check to see if your drivers have been updated recently. For the other case, fortunately I’ve been getting the same issue with 2024, and hadn’t got around to figuring it out yet! So I tried to fix my case, in the hope that the same approach will help with your 2021 case.

SketchUp has support files in a few places. You could copy each of these lines and paste them into File Explorer, to get to the right folders:


By popping into those locations and renaming the folder for your version of SketchUp, it can be very quick to track down if one of the support files has a problem.

In my case I started with %AppData%\SketchUp, I went in there and renamed the SketchUp 2024 folder to be SketchUp 2024not, then reopened SketchUp. The folder gets recreated, giving me a clean new SketchUp 2024 folder. But, the crash was still happening when I started a new document from the welcome screen. I went back and deleted the new folder, and renamed my ‘not’ version back to be SketchUp 2024.

Then I tried %LocalAppData%\SketchUp, renaming the folder in there to be SketchUp 2024not. Reopened SketchUp and had to agree to the terms and conditions again. A new folder was created, and I was able to start a new document from the welcome screen. I may do more experiments to figure out what part of what file was causing the problem. This particular reset to a new folder does make SketchUp forget all of your panel layouts. For me, I don’t really care, but it might be nice to isolate what exactly was wrong, so that only that part needs to be fixed, without reseting everything else.

I didn’t need to go on to test the same thing in C:\ProgramData\SketchUp.

For you then, given that you have similar symptoms to mine, I would start by going into %LocalAppData%\SketchUp\ and renaming SketchUp 2021 to something else, and see if you still get the crashing.

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