Bug Splats with no auto-save file

I’ve been getting bug splats lately. Usually, on reopening a model after a crash I get a dialog asking if I want to open a newer version, the auto-saved version.

Yesterday, after a splat, it reopened on a three-day-old version with no newer version dialog. Oddly, in the Open tab, there was an identically named file that I opened. Happily, it turned out to be the current file. Sadly, I didn’t save it right away and then had another splat. Upon reopening it I once again didn’t get a newer version dialog. The three-day-old file loaded. Why a three-day-old version I don’t know. I had saved the file many times in those three days. The current version hasn’t been seen since. Unfortunately, my last backup was three days old as well.

I assume the second duplicate filename I opened (the current file) was the auto-saved file from the previous crash. I would have thought a new auto-save would have been created at the time of the second crash but I can’t find one in any of the usual locations. Where does 2024 store auto-save files anyway?

Any thoughts?

Sketchup Pro 2024 on a PC
The file is 112 MB and too big to upload
All files are stored locally.
Create backup and Auto-save (30 minutes) preferences are checked.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 drivers are current.