Basecamp 2024?

So is there a Basecamp 2024 happening? I’ve searched in these forums and elsewhere and there doesn’t seem to be a lick of information about it. Did I miss the memo or am I just impatient?

In last Friday’s live stream, they hinted that they were sitting on an announcement, but wouldn’t reveal anything as yet. Just playing with us for the moment, but I think they have plans.

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Thanks for a quick response! I hope they stop playing soon…

Just got the email today :slight_smile:
" SketchUp’s award-winning user conference will be back November 11-14, 2024 — with a twist! This time, 3D Basecamp is part of Dimensions, Trimble’s annual user conference in Las Vegas."


darn, I hoped it would be canada again :slight_smile:


I am trying to decide if Basecamp is worth the trip. Can anyone share their experience? I have been using SU since it was created but in many ways, it seems I am still way behind. Is the conference good? Is it fun?

Absolutely! It’s fun and intense. Sometimes it’s hard to push yourself to another level what with all the other demands in life. The conference lets you push everything else aside for a while and concentrate on the subject. 3DBC 2018 is where I finally gave Layout a concerted try with the classes presented. The best part is meeting people face to face.


Yes it s just amazing. Don’t miss it!

It’s definitely worth it. I remember they were having Basecamp 2016 in Steamboat Springs right around the time that I first started using SketchUp. I didn’t go cause I felt like I hadn’t been using it long enough but I always regretted not going. I’ve been to all the basecamps since (Palm Springs and Vancouver) and I loved the experience. I really identify SketchUp as ‘my’ software and going to Basecamp is like meeting your people.


I purchased full conference tickets and cannot attend.
Any ideas on if I can sell them? Thanks.

I believe there’s a refund policy that’s pretty good this far out.

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Thank you, I’ve tried leaving a “message” on the FAQ page. Nothing yet.

Actually, I just saw the fine print on the original receipt. I think they refund all but $100 if you cancel before October 14th, so it’s not 100% refund.

Does anyone know when we get to actually sign up for classes at 3DBasecamp? I’ve already marked my favorites but I don’t see what days or times they are at?

I’ve tried the contact link several times now over the last few months and I haven’t received one reply.


Great question and yes we do know as of this week. We’re two weeks away from finalizing the schedule days/times and making it available for you to book your preferred sessions. We’re all as excited as you are to cross this milestone off our lists!


Thank you!

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Crossing fingers this year many sessions will be shared by video online afterwards again for those who can’t attend

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even those who can attend can’t attend ALL of the sessions :slight_smile:
it would be cool indeed if some / all conferences could be released on youtube, on a weekly basis during the year maybe ?

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I was in SketchUp 3D Basecamp 2022 in Vancouver and, to my knowledge, none of the classroom sessions was recorded.

Some of the sessions in 2018 were recorded, and none were recorded in 2022. The reasons I heard were 1) the expense in making them, and 2) not wanting to create a disincentive to attend the conference. I did a dress rehearsal of my 2022 presentation on Zoom for AIA/CT. They recorded it and offer it as a recording behind a paywall. I can always make a recording of mine and put it on YouTube, if there’s no objection from SU folks.