Arquivos não carregam no Trimble SketchUp web

Os projetos armazenados através da versão web no Trimble não estão carregando. Ao tentar abri-los ou até mesmo salvar um novo aparece a mensagem de erro: “algo deu errado tentando carregar esta pasta”. Quando inicia-se na versão web, é possível visualizar uma tentativa de carregamento dos projetos, porém sem êxito. Alguém poderia verificar por gentileza?

Translated by Google:

What browser are you using?

If you go to and log in can you access your files that way?

Oi Daver, boa tarde.
Tentei pelos navegadores: chrome e edge. Inclusive tentei até por meio de outro computador. Estou neste momento tentando acessar da forma que sugeriu, mas não sai do carregamento dos dados. Já fiz testes na internet e encontra-se operante. Alguma sugestão? Continuarei tentando acessar pelo “

Do you have an ad blocker or pop up blocker active in your browsers?

It might be that someone from Trimble will have to look into it but since it’s the weekend, that might not happen until Monday.

Someone else reported a similar issue. I don’t see any outages with Trimble Connect to explain the problem.

If this isn’t solved by Monday I will try to find out who is the best person to look into the problem.

Estou com o mesmo problema, ele só carrega e não abre os projetos antigos

Same issue here. I can’t save new files, I can’t get old ones from Trimble connect.

I tried everything in Chrome and Safari - cleared cache, turned off ad blockers. Rebooted computer. Logged off and on to Sketchup - nothing worked.

This basically makes the program unusable if you can’t get your files that you worked so long on. Seems like this is something Trimble should monitor by the second and have resources to fix issues proactively if the default is to save to their cloud

Do most users save all files locally to avoid this kind of disruption? i.e. download SKP file to local drive

Just about every wise commentary from the sages, wise ones, and even regulars like me recommend you save your work in your computer files. It is easy to “save as” and put skp files into your computer files (or folders). It is also easy to open them up in Sketch Up. Good sketching.

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