I think I mentioned this before - but not sure I posted it.
I was surprised to see that ACT (written by Trimble) does some questionable things - certainly not Best Practice for SketchUp plugins!
If you select an ACT Scene, when the camera view arrives at the viewpoint, ACT simply throws away any Tool you have selected and installs its own Tool to show the camera stats in the lower left corner of the display. If you’ve selected a tool like LightUp, then when you click on a ACT Scene, thats not so great…
The offending lines in the plugin are these:
def frameChange(from_page, to_page, percent_done)
if percent_done == 0.0
# Make sure the camera tool is deactivated.
Sketchup.active_model.select_tool(nil) if FilmCameraTool.active_tool
if percent_done == 1.0
camera = CameraRep.get_camera_by_page_name(to_page.name, to_page.model)
Sketchup.active_model.select_tool(FilmCameraTool.new(camera)) if camera
As you can see, it simply selects its FilmCameraTool.
Please can we have a public flogging for the author of this.