Hi, Would really like someway of outputting the pre design study in a pdf or printed form…
Thanks in advance.
Is there some thing missing? Yes, reference to Passives House, Insulation and R values of various materials and condensation, dew point of various materials and thicknesses…there should also be someway to reference overshadowing or local climate issues such as sea breezes, acoustic issues or impact of air con, even if its a reference to say that whatever:- “Not considered”
Cheers David
Hi Alan,
Thanks for your question!
Right now the only way to get graphics out of PreDesign is to take screen grabs or to present live to your client.
I would be interested in hearing more about how you would like to go beyond this and what specifically you’re looking for though, as this is a very popular request for the product.
Thanks for the response! PreDesign is a super helpful tool early on in the design process. At our firm, we like to include this type of information in a pdf presentation that we are typically presenting to a client and often sending to them after the presentation.
The live presentation style is not very efficient because we would have to flip back and forth between the online PreDesign and the pdf version of the rest of our information.
The screen grabs do work, but they often do not have great resolution and look a bit grainy.
It would be ideal if we could download each image individually and then import into our presentations. To me, the individual images are more important and usable than an entire report. I understand that there may be some copyright / intellectual property issues with this, but maybe there is a PreDesign logo in the bottom corner to show that it is ‘your work’ vs. ‘our work’.
Any type of download other than screen grabs would be great.
Hey @corney I’d like to suggest that being able to download the pre design data is very useful and I think just needs to be implimented and not further studied by trimble. What I’m referring to is the ability to download pre design data either to pdf or to select individual images and right click and download the image. The whole point of a pre design process, is to do it once and than input our findings into our construction documents. Since your pre design study software presents in a very nice way, if the designer likes the style you present it in ( I do ), they should of course be able to download the results and input them into their construction documents. Although I do appreciate you guys trying to learn more about how people would use this, I think what I’m talking about here is a given and would love it if you guys could get started and allow for basic downloading of your pre design results instead of doing more research on that topic. Perhaps a better use of enquiry to the users would be how we could get more out of pre design, not how we download it’s data. Downloading data that is provided should always be an option and not something that’s needed to study. If you guys are already getting a lot of requests for this, you might perhaps just impliment it, I think my argument here is a pretty obvious example of why it shouldn’t be necessarry to investigate this any further… Would love to see basic downloading of pre design be an option for the community that uses it.
Thank you for your comments @ArayaCAD .
Today you can obviously screen grab graphics from PreDesign. Can you please tell me in a bit more detail about how this does not meet your needs and what you would expect a download function to do for you? What would your expectations of this feature be?
Aside from the ability to snag individual graphics for use in other applications, it would be useful to have the ability to create and print a .pdf report directly. Ideally, this would include the option for you to pick and choose what’s included in the report so that you can customize your resultant document based on the information that is needed.