PreDesign Downtime Notifications

PreDesign downtime is now published at and notifications about scheduled downtime will also be made there.

This forum post will be kept open for any questions or discussion relating to PreDesign downtime.

Thanks and best regards,


Could predesign be added to the website?

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Hi Mike,
Great suggestion. Yes that’s the plan!! Just not there yet!


PreDesign will shortly have scheduled downtime for our web application and plugins to support improvements to our entitlements system.
The downtime will be: 2021-09-24T06:00:00Z2021-09-24T09:00:00Z
We hope the down time will be shorter than this and will announce when it’s back online. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Hi Mike,

We added it 9 days ago and will use it in future for maintenance notifications, hope you find this useful!


I noticed!:+1:t4:

Scheduled maintenance will no longer be announced here.
Instead we will be publishing it on

Our scheduled maintenance window is on Mondays 06:00-10:00 UK local time (GMT or BST).
We will update on when maintenance is completed and the system is operational again.