5D+ Auto Measure - Advanced measurement tool

5D+ Auto Measure is officially released. It’s FREE!
First public release date: 2024.08.06

Introducing an advanced measurement tool for SketchUp that enhances your modeling experience. You can easily capture coordinates from multiple points and display lengths while selecting points or edges. The tool also allows you to clearly visualize areas and volumes, ensuring comprehensive model inspection.

Notably, this tool integrates the traditional Vietnamese Feng Shui ruler, “Lu Ban,” providing culturally appropriate measurements directly within SketchUp.

You can conveniently customize unit and precision settings through a right-click menu while the tool is active. This tool will be developed to become a handy BIM viewer and measurement solution helps improve your workflow and ensures accuracy in your projects.

Free download here: 5D+ Auto Measure - Checkout


5D+ Auto Measure new version 1.1.0 has been released.


  1. Add “Reference value” to compare while getting coordinates from point
  2. Add ability for user to add/remove measure values to total value
  3. Add new measurement method: get “Perimeter” of face/surface

Download the latest version here: 5D+ Auto Measure - Checkout

Add user Manual:

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Note that “Lu Ban” is of Chinese origin.

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Sure, Vietnamese use these rulers from Lu Ban too.

Dear Developer,
I discovered this extension today via Sketchup Essentials. I absolutely love the Coordinates function. If we can get a version, where all three (x,y,z) coordinates can be dispalyed simultaneously, I am willing to pay for this. If you can please consider including this function, this extension will be the most powerfull coordinate generator in Sketchuo I have come accross with. Thank you very much,


Hi, this is an easy task. I will add this to the next release. Thank you for using and happy with it.

You can switch on/off each coordinate separately.


Thank you very much. What a lovely response!

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Hello, I have uploaded a new version (1.2.0) that fix hanging on Mac OS and add ability to display multiple coordinates as @vezir suggested. You can download the latest version from Your orders at Lemon Squeezy.

This version also adds automate checking and updating new version function.

Sorry Mac OS users for the inconvenience.

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Thank you very much for this usefull update.
Much appreciated.

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It would be nice if the measurements were displayed according to the SketchUp settings. Thank you.

I think it’s better if it does not display according to SketchUp settings, it has own settings with more options compare to native units and can be quickly change without must go to Modeling Settings. For example, when you’re modeling in Imperial units, you even check dimension in Metric anytime you want.

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Oops, I didn’t know about those settings.Thanks.

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You’re welcome. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: