A little off topic although maybe not. Your model would likely render more easily if it was more efficiently modeled. Component instead of a group for the roof tile or better yet, a texture instead of geometry. You used a texture for the rool on the veranda to good effect.
Also simplifying some of the objects in the model would go a long way to helping the situation. Over 13k entities for the elbow is excessive as is the 55K+ entities in the rain barrel.
Inside you could do a number of things to make rendering simpler. There’s no views of the model that show King Kong on the computer screen. You could eliminate that image. Might also fix the desk lamp while you’re in there. The books and keyboard on the desk could be simplified.
There are a number of faces that should have their orientation corrected, too.
I also see incorrect tag usage.
Cleaning up and streamlining your model would make it easier to render faster. I looked for the model in the 3D Warehouse and it does appear to have finally rendered.