The dimensions and styles work well. I thought the push pull and follow me tools could be better.
The groups and components are really kind of primitive - just cut and paste! Need a scanner add on.
This is why I love this community!
I especially like the way it allows a user’s hand to work at triple speed.
As a competitor in the 3D world it clearly has no peers.
Does it support plugins?
They gave me one for free but I’ve stopped using it now that they charge for it.
Its web version has the future.
The scale tool might be a bit awkward.
Does it run on Linux?
There is an open source version for linux which gives you the plans to construct one for yourself, but the plans are in a foreign language.
Hope it runs on lower OpenGL versions
While some like SketchUp’s new welcome screen, others may consider the lack of it a feature.
Not only was it pioneering in multitouch technology (to which SketchUp still hasn’t caught up).
Its inventors even found a wonderful solution to avoid that people run into issues at very big/small scales: People just never voluntarily draw on toilet paper or on a hole-puncher chad.
Can it run in a sandbox?
Ah, but can SketchUp open your beer bottle?
What the $30 SketchUp Alternative needs is a few extensions.
This one should help bolster the functionality.
I think you guys have missed interpreted the output and been confused with the interface, surly this an alternative, and petty good one, for Layout…
To draw in 3D you do need the 3doodler as well
I tried to get one but it’s out of stock and won’t be in until 2022.
Now that IS an accurate statement!