I am having troubles getting feedback from the user interface when I include scenes from the ruby console. I was using the following…
model = Sketchup.active_model
pages = model.pages
pages.selected_page.include_in_animation = false
This seems to be functioning, though the feedback from the UI is not encouraging.
The expected behavior I am missing would be the brackets (Scene) appearing around my scene name when the above is executed. Also the checkbox only updates when cycling through the scenes in the scene editor, though this is less of an issue.
Is there a refresh I should be using here?
I have found that after saving my file and opening it again the brackets appear correctly. This is why I was wondering about refresh. This is happening on a Windows 10 machine. I have not tested on Mac.
I had all but dismissed send actions, so that was a fun experiment. At this point, I am elated just to get as much function as I am with this API addition. I did not have too much success toggling the tabs via send actions, or manually through the UI.
At first I thought this was a typo:
(‘togglePageTabsDsiplay:’) vs (‘togglePageTabsDisplay:’)
But, after performing the same function manually realized there is more to the problem.
UI.refresh_inspectors did help the scene manager display properly, so I really appreciate this suggestion it was quite helpful. I also appreciate the follow through reporting the issue further, thanks Dan.