1001bit tools compatibility with Sketchup Pro 2019

I am running my version Pro 2019 on a MacBook Pro computer. When I went to download 1001bit Tools extension I got the following message: This extension has not been marked as being compatible with your version of Sketchup. You may experience usability issues if you try to install this extension Has anyone used 1001 with Pro 2019? If so, can you put the warning in context for me please. I am designing a house with SU and am wondering if something will rear its ugly head a thousand hours into the design stage. Any help appreciated. Nick

min 1:10

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Just make sure you save when you have modelled 999 hours…
Do not rely on autosave or save to icloud location
If you change the model and tou think it is worh saving, a good old fashioned Cmd S will keep you out of trouble…