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Howdy. My name is Woody Stanford. I’m by trade a Soft. Eng. but am disabled these days, but gives me the freedom to pursue a lot of projects I’ve been waiting to do. I’ve been working on two suborbital spacecraft designs (in traditional 2D) and thought I would expand to 3D somehow. I’m hoping that Sketch Up has the features I need to further my own dreams.

I still don’t know if Sketch Up is what I’m looking for. Its already asking for a hotter graphics card and I’m more used to AutoCAD, but of course AutoCAD takes money. I just need to find a tool that will help me produce parts for prototyping, 3D printing and maybe animations that I can put on my site.

To see where I’m at, check out my site at http://woodystanford.wordpress.com and you can kind of see the level that I’m working at (mainly traditional 2D drafting techniques).

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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