Curviloft doesn't show settings, blind settings

Hi! I have been using curviloft for a long time. However, the settings is blank and blind. (see attached picture). I can still use it but I can’t see the settings, however I can guess it by clicking any of the buttons.

Anyone who can help me with this matter? Thank you!

update or reinstall LibFredo.

that’s the extension that contains all the bits (including visual bits) that makes Fredo’s extensions tick.

check if it is installed, and if it is, update it. it should come back (you might need to restart sketchup at some point)

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Also make sure you have the latest version of Curviloft installed as well as the latest version of the Sketchucation Extension Store tool.

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Hello, thanks! It worked. Owe u my life

Thank you!

another minion. :slight_smile: