Where can I download; Sketchup For Schools Installer.exe mac?

I am about to start a new unit with my class and I need to install Sketchup For Schools on all their devices. I am looking for the installer.exe files for both mac and windows. Where can I download these files?

Trying to guide 30 teenagers through this process online is like herding cats. It’s much easier to send the students the installer.exe file.

If you do a search with Google, using “SketchUp for schools”, you shall find this Web page:


On this page you will find all the required information.

If you want to install desktop versions, you must know that the programs are normally exe files for Windows computers and dmg for Mac.

SkectchUp for Schools is a special version of the Web based version, so the students run it in a web browser. You need to get your school domain approved for students to login and use it. If you need the last free desktop version, SketchUp Make 2017, it’s no longer offered for download from Trimble directly, and there can be issues running software that old on current hardware/OS’s. We can expand on all this as needed.