Welcome to our forums! Please introduce yourself :)

Who are you, who, who? I’m Guy Wydouw

What is your industry and profession? I’m an architect and a plugin developer

Where do you use SketchUp? Personally/professionally? I use SketchUp professionally. My entire architectural firm runs on SketchUp and we develop the most awesome SketchUp extension… Skalp for SketchUp

Why do you use SketchUp and what is your favorite thing about it? (Besides using it to impress the babes…) I use SketchUp because it’s fun, it’s easy, it’s generic and it has a great API!

How proficient are you in SketchUp? Beginner, intermediate, advanced? Advanced

What is your current set up? Computer type, SketchUp version…etc. (Your lake house and Ferrari don’t count) Sketchup Pro 2015 running on a macbook pro 15" retina with 2 23" HD monitors

Do you have a 3DW page with your models, Extensions, or a website you would like to link to or show off to us? www.skalp4sketchup.com and www.wydouw.be