WallCutter will not remove trapezoid

LH Hexagon Apr 18~.skp (196.0 KB)

See this hexagon with 2 trapezoids. I’ve probably used WallCutter (FlexTools) to remove both trapezoids a dozen times.

Two days ago I made a new hexagon and Wallcutter would not remove the lower trapezoid. So, thinking there may be some corruption, I created a brand new hexagon yesterday. It is simple to remove the upper trapezoid first try.

Using the same method, I was unable to remove the lower hexagon. (Because of a shortcoming in WallCutter, I always make each dimension in the “cutting” trapezoid to be about an eighth of an inch smaller than the trapezoid on the hexagon.)

I tried unchecking “enable length snapping” and that did not work.

Are there any FlexTools experts out there who can tell me what I’m doing wrong?

Peter Enns

I used the Tape Measure tool and hovered over the end points of the trapezoids. The tool shows the X, Y and Z positions of the points (vertices). You can see that the right, lower, corner is at Y = 0. The others are not. So, it is not flat.

Also, the tilde next to the measurements means the number ss approximate. This slight inaccuracy is often the result of having Length Snapping enabled. I would save a template with Length Snapping disabled so the error doesn’t arise again.

Hey Learned One,

Thank you so much.

I checked in each corner. In each case Y= ~1/8". So, I made each dimension in the trapezoid below the hexagon 1/4" shorter than the trapezoid I wanted to cut out.

It worked PERFECTLY.

Peter Enns

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Thank you. Now I can make the trapezoids every time.

I wrote about it in my well-indexed SketchUp file. Now, if I forget how to solve that problem, I’ll just look it up and the answer will be there.

Peter Enns

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You inspired me to work on an extension for taking notes. It still needs work!

Screenshot 2024-04-18 145731

Screenshot 2024-04-18 145844

Thank you for telling me. Feel free to let me know how to get the extension after you’ve perfected it.

Peter Enns

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