How do I wait for my html window to close, or at least the submit button to have been clicked, before collecting my javascript parameters from the #HtmlDialog?
So I’m currently trying to use:
module DialogBox
extend self
def dialogtest_setup
# html dialog is setup and defined in here
def show_dialog
# some code here to wait for the box to be closed/submit button to be clicked
@dialog.add_action_callback("say") { |action_context, param1, param2|
@param1, @param2 = param1, param2
def puts_params
puts @param1
puts @param2
testbox = DialogBox
OK, I changed the code to make it work as follows:
module DialogBox
extend self
def dialogtest_setup
# html dialog is setup and defined in here
def show_dialog
@dialog.add_action_callback("say") { |action_context, param1, param2|
@param1, @param2 = param1, param2
puts @param1
puts @param2
testbox = DialogBox
This works for me, because I will just call the necessary code block within the add_action_callback. However, this may not work for some people…any suggestions on how to wait outside of the module?
Using the callbacks to ensure the dialog has done its thing is the idiomatic way to do it. With async communication there isn’t any better way around it, you have to use chained callbacks like this.
One option, and the one I’m using, is to use dialog.show_modal instead of The user will be unable to interact with sketchup’s main application until the dialog is closed.
This works well for me because I do not want the user to be able to manipulate the model or what’s selected while the dialog is open as I’m using what’s selected to manipulate information to present to the user.
It works for you, but with a bit of explanation of what the “solution” is, it may be helpful for others.
Your approach is to put the code (“next line” or a method call to that code) in place ofputs @param1.
That means that the execution (as envisioned in the thread title) becomes instead of
→ show_dialog()
→ next_method()
the call to the next method is nested:
→ show_dialog()
↳ next_method()
It may be that someone does not want the method show_dialog to “know” what to execute next, because then the same method can be reused for more situations. An alternative (or extension of the idea) is to pass next_method as a parameter (a reference to the method or a Ruby code block), a “callback”.
In that case, show_dialog must know about the callback, it must accept it as a parameter even if it is not used. Another alternative is to return an object that represents “when the method has completed successfully”, and only this object knows and executed callbacks:
I am heavily using this pattern in for example the Console+ and other plugins.
In any case it is important not to forget that while HtmlDialogs are async, Ruby in SketchUp is single-threaded, so any solution cannot require concurrency with threading.