I installed V-ray for Sketchup and imported 3D assets from Cosmos Browser into scene. But they don’t render for me. V-Ray materials worked fine. I have V-Ray for 3D Max too and it works. I wonder is there any setting/path with Sketchup that’s I don’t know? Appreciate any feedback!
Share a screen shot of what you are seeing and your SketchUp model file.
Do you have either a commercial Studio license or a trial license? You can install V-Ray via the Windows Common Installer but you will need the right entitlement to activate it. Please check your entitlement and sign out, sign in again and give a try?
Share the .skp file, too.
Here is the Sketchup file:
Dammam, Saudi Arabia.skp (3.3 MB)
I have an enterprise account subscription and signed in to both Sketchup and VRay.
Select the building, the trees, the car and the Infinite Plane, copy them (Ctrl+C) and open a new file and Paste (Ctrl+V) them there, as close as possible to the origin (0,0,0).
@mihai.s makes a good suggestion.
Why is your model nearly a kilometer from the origin?
I fixed incorrect tag usage, purge unused stuff and some components located at a great distance from your model. Then I moved the mode to near the origin. See if this one behaves better.
Dammam, Saudi Arabia relocated.skp (3.1 MB)
Yes it shows this way! Thank you!
it’s good now! Thank you. What should I do to prevent future problem? What tag do you mean?
Mainly do your modeling close to the origin. Don’t turn off the Axes so you’ll have them available as a reference.
Tags? They are used to control visibility of groups and components in your model. All edges and faces should be left untagged, though. And Untagged should b left as active at all times.
Ok got you! Thank you guys so much!
You should probably spend some time going through the instructional materials at learn.sketchup.com
Will look through them. Thank you!
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