Using SQLite from SketchUp 2016

After more research, I’ve decided to first try to install SQLite3 on Ruby and then try to make it work on SketchUp.

So, from, I’ve installed:

  • Ruby 2.0.0-p648 (x64)
  • Development Kit for Ruby 2.0 and above (x64 - 64bits only) DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx.exe

Then I’ve followed the instruction found on StackOverflow: How do I install sqlite3 for Ruby on Windows?

I’ve successfully installed the sqlite3 gem but when I try tu use it on irb with >require “sqlite3” I still get the error stating that he can’t find the (giving me the full path). Odd enough the file is present on that path!


I’ve finally succeeded to run sqlite3 gem on Ruby, using the SQLite DLL “libsqlite3-0.dll” found on the “C:\sqlite-autoconf-3130000.libs” folder (the “C:\sqlite-autoconf-3130000” folder was the one where I did extract the C source downloaded from the SQLite web site).

To make it works on irb, I’ve copied it on the bin folder of ruby installation (on my case “C:\Ruby200-x64\bin”).

Then I’ve copied the “” on my plugin source and the “libsqlite3-0.dll” on the “C:\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2016\Tools\RubyStdLib\platform_specific” folder.

And now it works also in SketchUp 2016 :slight_smile:

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