Using 3d Warehouse models in SweetHome3D for commercial use?

I would like to download a model from 3D Warehouse and use it in SweetHome3D to create a 3D design, which I plan to place on my paid website. I will not modify the 3D model downloaded from 3D Warehouse; I will only include it in my 3D design. Is this allowed?
If not, would purchasing SketchUp Pro allow me to do this?


  1. you’ll need to ask a lawyer for a complete answer. this is a public forum, all we can give is uneducated guesses, especially since most of us are in not in your country nor in the US (Trimble’s home). also, we’re not lawyers, and even if you were to contact trimble, I don’t think their in-home lawyers will advise you on this.

  2. maybe ask SweetHome3d. I assume that since they implemented a link to the warehouse’s files into their software, they might have considered the situation you’re mentioning. they might actually have a complete answer.

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OK, Thank you so much! I’ll try to ask SweetHome3d.