Undet Point Cloud plugin new features! Texturing using point clouds | 3D model inspection tools

Hello, colleagues,

Today we released an update of Undet for SketchUp plugin with several new features. I hope these new features will improve and accelerate your workflow with 3D point cloud data!

New features list:

  • Texturing tools

Texturing tools let you apply the point cloud colouring rendered view to the selected plane. The Texturing process is simple, fast and does not require the setting of complex parameters.

  • 3D model Inspection tools

It allows very easy and fast to compare the existing 3D model to point cloud data to check for accuracy.

  • New Automatic Features Extraction tools

Allows to extrude or fit selected planes to point cloud points. The extrude tool will push/pull your selected plane by snapping to point cloud points. The fit tool will fit automatically to the detected point cloud plane to achieve the maximum accuracy.

  • Section Plane Cutting tool

The new section plane cutting tool lets you cut a point cloud through the position of the selected section plane.

  • Export Point cloud clipping box as new UNDET point cloud project

Allows exporting point cloud clipping box as a new undet point cloud project.

Here is a short overview video: Undet for SketchUp new features | Texturing from point cloud | 3D model inspection tools - YouTube

If you will any questions related to point clouds in SketchUp feel free to contact me :wink:


good morning,

does 3d model inspection tools incorporate WASD moving around the project?


Here is a video on how the Undet 3D model inspection tool is working:

If you will change model geometry, or move objects you will need “refresh” model inspection analysis.

Created a video on how to apply a texture from 3D point cloud data.

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