Suggestions and Feedback for SketchUP Viewer AR Feature

Hi, Sketchup Teams,
I am a high school teacher, teaching students how to use SketchUp.
Here are some suggestions from the students using the SketchUP viewer AR feature, along with my observations, which we would like to share with your team:

Project Overview: The task was to use SketchUP Web to create a campus maze with dimensions 30M*40M. After completing the model, we used SketchUP viewer to experience AR and review the design.


  1. When placing the model in augmented reality and selecting the 1:1 scale, the view directly goes to the center of the maze, making it difficult to locate one’s position in the model. We suggest adding a feature to choose the viewpoint (we tried using the “Scenes” function to switch but it didn’t work). Additionally, having a floor plan in the bottom right corner to assist in identifying one’s relative position would be helpful.

  2. We recommend adding a height adjustment setting. During my observation of many students using AR, I noticed that each student’s horizon varies slightly (initially, I thought it was related to their viewpoint, but when I helped the students operate it myself, I couldn’t find the desired height every time). Besides this, since some models have two-story designs, if the software could directly adjust height changes, it wouldn’t be necessary to change the height in the real world.

  3. It would be beneficial if the model’s scale variation could be seen when using AR, helping users to know if they are reviewing the design at a real-world scale.

Lastly, I would like to say that SketchUP is an excellent software! The web version is also fantastic, making management and execution in teaching very friendly. Looking forward to its continued improvement! We will continue to support and use it!Thank you!


These is exactly the same experience I made when trying to explore the model of my future house. I would also strongly support these features…