SU17: combobox htmldialog bug

@maxB, @jim_foltz or anyone else on a Win PC…

does the bug happen with the Dynamic Component >> Component Options dialog drop-downs as seen for the Framing Wall example?

if it’s happening in the SU or Trimble Connect extensions then that may elevate it’s importance…


The dynamic component dropdown is fine - if you move it to another position it works as intended.

so it stays attached when you move it’s window?

if so, are they still WebDialogs?

the frame buttons look different from those on my dialog you posted…


Yes, it stays attached in the dynamic component options window.

I don’t know how I can find out what they really are… webdialogs or something else…

There is a small difference between them; rightclicking on the left doesn’t show anything (could be just disabled), on the right it does. A difference in frame buttons could also be just due to css-style.

It looks like the DC extension has not been updated for HtmlDialogs and is still using IE…

are you still not getting ‘Inspect Element’ on HtmlDialogs even with M1?


I just installed M1 and on HtmlDialogs I now see the ‘inspect element’
On the dynamic component window (and all my other plugins still using webDialogs) there’s no inspect option

Correct. That has not been updated.

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