Seeking suggestions on best way to make a 6 node (Hexagonal) Isotruss
There is a similar Isotruss model in the 3d warehouse called “Bamboo Isotruss” - however it has eight nodes
[Bamboo Isotruss - 3d Warehouse]()
Initial thought was establish hexagon, then start up linking lines from point to point - however im not sure best method to extend past the point for “x” distance
The Bamboo Isotruss appears to be made of cubes and their sides and diagonals:
The intersection is an octagon:
Maybe you could try a similar approach with equilateral prisms:
Combine them to form a hexagon in the center:
Once you have the basic frame, you can start adding cross-braces:
This seems to get you there. I think.
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Hello Gully,
How did you convert the lines into a frame of tubes in the last step?
Or anyone else got a suggestion?
There are a few apps that seem to do it - but unsure which is best - seems follow me function cant do branching lines?
TIG: Pipe Along Path v2.2
You need to register for free at SketchUcation.
Thanks for your help guys - ended up with a 6 , 8 , 10 12 node istoruss’s… . (not sure what the plural is?)
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Can you attach the actual sketchup files for these models? I’d love to play with them.
Here’s the 12 node . . . Can attach the other sizes if you want. . . Cheers
isotruss v3.skp (2.9 MB)
Hmm seems Ive lost plugins when updating Sketchup version - can anyone remind me what pipe plugin I used for above?
The Pipe along path doesn’t follow all complicated pipes
November 19, 2016, 12:06pm
It could have been Lines2tubes