Small component size is too heavy

I’m new to SketchUp. I have an issue.
Small component size is too heavy when I copy that from a heavy size file.
For an example when I copy a small spoon from a heavy size kitchen model (256MB), the spoon file size is around 86MB.
What’s the reason for this one? please someone help me.

Try purging materials and components.

If you don’t know how to, see below
-Look in the Components and Materials tabimage
-And click the “purge” icon image

This will clear all those components and materials which you won’t need to use, thus reducing the file size.

The spoon component might be physically very small but maybe very heavy in geometry. Very likely you are copying something else along with the spoon, though. If you share both files with us so we can take a look, I expect we can help you sort out what’s going on. They’ll be too large to upload directly but if you upload to DropBox or Google Drive and share the links with us that will work.

white_shadow is giving you instructions for the free web version but it appears you are using the SketchUp 2020 Pro so there’s no point looking for the icons he shows.

thank you @white_shadow. But I Unable to find that option.

A stool model I copied from a kitchen model (104MB):

Same model I directly downloaded from warehouse (5MB):

This is not only for this model. I’m facing this issue when I copy a small component from various heavy size models. What’s the cause for this issue??

The “wood bamboo” texture is 4 Mb which is excessive for use in a SketchUp model.

In the Counter Top Chair model there’s lots of excess stuff along with incorrect tag usage.

Screenshot - 2_16_2021 , 10_38_22 AM

Screenshot - 2_16_2021 , 10_38_48 AM

The "Untitled.skp file also has a lot of unused stuff.
Screenshot - 2_16_2021 , 10_40_12 AM

I don’t know what you are actually copying, but the 104 MB model had more than 400 component definitions stored in it and went to 1% of the size (1,1 MB) when I purged it. Still, IMO, large for a stool, but that is because the sculpted wood parts are quite accurately modelled.

Untitled (2).skp (1.1 MB)

counter top chair.skp (1.1 MB)

may be it’s my mistake. but I don’t know what’s wrong. I just normally copy that file and paste it in a new sketchup file.
Can you please tell me how to purge the model?

I used a plugin to do it because it gives a report that is useful for showing to others like yourself. You can go to Model Info>Statistics and click Purge Unused.

By the way, the stool with the heavy bamboo texture had multiple textures applied to it with the bamboo being applied to the faces so that overrode the others. I deleted them leaving only the bamboo texture and I made it a smaller file size.

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Oh thank you so much.
It’s mean a lot to me.

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Did you see I uploaded your two files after cleaning them up? Both are considerably smaller.

FWIW, while it’s a nice look stool, if you are using this in a larger model, it might be a little heavy, still.

Sorry. I unable to open that files. Because you are using new version of sketchup.

Asam, in general, try this procedure to attempt to determine why a model’s file size is too large

  1. Select the spoon component
    a. Right-Click on the component (this gives you a context menu)
    b. Choose Save As and save to a folder on your computer
  2. Close the current model
  3. File > Open and navigate to the folder where you just saved the component, then select the spoon component .skp and open it.
  4. From the Menu Bar choose Window > Model Info >Statistics
    a. Examine the values, especially the number of Faces and Edges and
    b. Now click on the Purge Unused button at the bottom of the Model Info
    window [items such as unused materials, tags (layers), and components
    will be removed].
    c. Re-examine the values, if they are lower the file size could be lower.
  5. Do as DaveR suggested about the materials being used
  6. Save the spoon model
  7. If the file size is still too large and the statistics for the geometry
    (ie., faces and edges) are still to high, then you could
    a. edit existing geometry and reduce unnecessary elements which do
    not contribute to the overall display or the rendering of the model that the spoon is to be used in.
    b. draw your own spoon model
    c. find a different spoon model
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Thank you so much. it works.


Here are 2020 versions.

Untitled (2).skp (1.9 MB) counter top chair.skp (2.0 MB)

how did you identify that multiple textures applied with bamboo texture to the faces?
there is only one material shows in vray material editor.

I was looking at Entity Info as I selected the components/groups inside.

Notice that the back faces of the seat are painted with a different material.

FWIW there’s also excessive nesting in this model. That also increases the file size.

In general, consider that there is some maximum file size for your project. Exactly what that max size is depends on a number of things including the capability of your computer. Think of that maximum size as the budget for your project. Figure out where it makes sense to spend your budget. since the back faces shouldn’t be visible in your model, it would be a waste of your budget to give them a texture. If you’ll never show the interior of a refrigerator, there’s no point in it having the shelves and drawers inside. Be strategic about how you spend your budget as you are modeling. Also think about your time investment as part of the budget. If you have to spend time opening multiple unneeded object containers to get into the the faces to edit the component, that’s time you are taking away from something else. And remember, it never hurts to come in under budget.

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great… great help and great advice.
thank you for taking your valuable time for me

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Here’s a slightly revised version of the stool. I’ve eliminated the excessive nesting.
Wooden Stool.skp (1.6 MB)