Sketchup ruby

Hi, I would like to learn how to program Sketchup. But am unable to find step by step instruction from start to building plugin,toolbars menus etc. Can some kind person point me in the right direction.

@DanRathbun has posted some excellent lists of resources for learning Ruby and the SketchUp Ruby API. Search the forum and you should find them (I’m on my phone so it’s awkward for me right now. Computer is in for repairs :cry:).

The resource list is here (in the Ruby API sub-category) …


We have started to add some basic examples and tutorials on GitHub: GitHub - SketchUp/sketchup-ruby-api-tutorials: SketchUp Ruby API Tutorials and Examples

The Hello Cube example demonstrate how to structure the files, use namespaces, add a menu item and create some geometry.


As developers can help each other, if you find Ruby Console+ helpful then I’d be interested in feedback on how easy it is to use for onboarding new developers. If there are things confusing or that need explanation.
There will be upcoming built-in tutorials to teach beginners Ruby…


Thanks to all for your quick response. I certainly have my work cutout for today. :sweat_smile:
I look forward to using ruby console +
Thanks again