Sketchup Illustration & Similar Work

Oh thanks, maybe one day I’ll get to post the visualization work I do in work rather than all my sci-fi hobby stuff!

It’s remarkable how far the tools have come, this whole thing including post production and rendering was only a little over an hour (not including making that model however).

I took one of my old 3D models from 10-11 years go and put it through Procreate last night



I’ve fiddled with TM but so far it’s stayed at that level. Maybe it’s my system but it tends to get hung up and I have trouble getting closer to the physical based rendering I am used to. I like the instant feedback when it does work.

Yes it does have a very cartoon feel about it, my more serious work (at work) is all happening in Unreal Engine but I’ve a whole team helping me achieve the Photorealism there I wouldn’t be able to do it on my own.

Perhaps the gaming industry will eventually merge with architectual/visualisation.
Watch the new shaders in Minecraft:


Its highly likley, the automotive industry has been using eye waveringly expensive real time render engines for years and is now gravitating fast towards Unreal Engine that is more powerful in most cases and much cheaper.

ArchViz is not far behind using the same technology. Most of the contractors I hire to work with me in Volvo usually have had a big chunk of experience working in gaming, its interchangeable it seems.

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Oh, don’t get me wrong, I"ve seen some TwinMotion output that would be totally acceptable for my projects. I just can’t seem to get there myself, and one issue is my setup.

Oh no, sorry we would not use Twinmotion in work, just cant seem to get acceptable results unfortunately, we are using vanilla Unreal Engine instead. The Twinmotion stuff I am doing is just for fun.


Now that’s a beer!


IKEA :smiley:

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All science fiction space vessels should devote at least the 1/7 of their storing capacity to beer. It might become a problem, though, as, by looking at the movies, none of them need toilet facilities.


Perhaps @TheOnlyAaron could tell, were/are there any facilities in the millenium falcon?

Ah, a whole new way of selling “Advertising Space” ?

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The new swedish super-spaceship made by IKEA and sponsored by Heineken,soo beautiful :smile:



Wow! Very nice.

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Bit more on my NASA work in progress.


I love how this is coming along!!