Sketchup for Schools Caught in Authentication Loop

Hi, I was wondering if you could add to your whitelist. Thank you

@joy Can you please add Thank you!

Thanks for whitelisting our domain. :upside_down_face:

Hello all,

I have added the following user’s domain to our registry.

@jbirchfield @dustan @myers.peter @Mhberrios7 @william.corbin @dcover @shawn.gordon @bella3 @Zachd

Please be aware that your G Suite admin will need to approve the permissions for the app in order to deploy SketchUp for Schools to your domain. If this has not yet been done, please direct your admin to the SketchUp for Schools app page on the G Suite marketplace:

Same problem with my school:

Thanks! same issue

Hi Team,

We are having the same issue on our domain, can you please check “” is whitelisted or not.

Hi there,
Please add to the allow list.
Thank you!

Hi there,

I’m needing and added to allow list also.

Thank you,

Hello! Can you please add to the allow list? Thank you.

Can you please add our domain in Whitelist

Please add

Good morning!

We have been experiencing a similar issue with the feedback loop. Sketchup is successfully installed and deployed in Google Admin. I am able to access the platform, however our teachers and students cannot.

Could you please whitelist for us to see if that works?


Hello, @Steve_Ketchup, could you also add to the whitelist please? We seem to be stuck in this loop also.


Hello. My students are having the same issue - caught in a loop. Our domain is

Hi when I try to use Sketchup for Edu onto our GSuite for Edu domain, I keep getting the “Are you in the right place” error. When I open the app, it ask me to log in with our google credentials but then keeps coming back with the same error. The strange thing is no one else in my school is having this issue. I have reached out to tech office and the can’t seem to figure it out either. Any ideas?


One of my staff is unable to log in while other can. Can you whitelist

Hi Joy, I have a few students that cannot log onto Sketchup, they get the error message about pop ups, but pop ups are not turned off…If another student uses the same desktop it works…? They have tried logging in on Safari, Chrome all with same result. Any ideas?

Our school domain is

Hello, our school is caught in an authentication loop as well. Wondering if domain has been whitelisted. If so, we could use further help in trying to get access. Please let me know as we have a bunch of students ready to use!

Our District is also caught in an authentication loop. Our domain is

Thank you