Sketchup failed to open document error

If there is an alternative to USB drives I’d love to go that way. This is my 16th year as a drafting/design teacher. It always worries me.

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Maybe high quality external SSD drives would be better but we’ve seen anecdotal evidence that they can have problems, too.

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Fingers crossed for a file save lol. @colin and developers have saved me once before.

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Yes. Fingers crossed. It wouldn’t hurt if you can get and share the .skb file as well.

Although the file data looks ok, I couldn’t get anything useful out of it.

The file was made using not the most recent version of 2021. That may not have anything to do with why it has problems, but there would be no harm in updating to the last version of 2021.

It’s still on the downloads page.

If it is with a file, you must share it so others can try opening or repairing it. Correct your profile, the SketchUp version you cite doesn’t exist, makes us suspect that you are using a cracked version.

Don’t go to another thread to ask for help on the same files. Don’t double post. I already have your files but I’m waiting for information from you.

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Hello there,

I am currently experiencing the same problem “failed to open document”
I have tried the following:

  1. changed the drive of the original file
    2.renamed the file
  2. tried to open it on another computer and another laptop
    4.updated sketchup to 23.1.341
  3. reinstalled sketchup version 21.1.331

none of the above worked, here is a link to my file. if you could please please help me out with my file it would be very much appreciated.

Best regards,

Your profile says you are using SketchUp 2021 “Free Plan”. Does that mean you are using a crack code for SketchUp 2021?

no im using free plan (web version) on the current device that i have created this account and sent this message, i thought sketchup forum needs to know the details of my current computer. On my editing device i use windows 10, sketchup pro 2023. Do i need to log in with that computer?

please note my original file was saved on an external hard drive and suddenly this happened…

Then you couldn’t be using SketchUp 2021 as you put in your forum profile. Why would you enter bogus information there?

Your file is too large for the free web version. It appears to be badly corrupted.

That’s most likely the cause of the corruption.

Do you have a copy of it on the machine with SketchUp 2023? Maybe that copy will open. Or the .skb back copy?

ok let me clarify exactly what has happened and why it might have caused a confusion.

my original sketchup version was 2021 which i created this file with but since i encountered this error for 2 weeks now i have tried many things which one of them was updating to 2023, so when i was entering my account details i was confused about which detail im required to enter.

so in conclusion this file was never opened with the 2023 version and was created by sketchup 2021 and was last opened with 2021 version and since then i was never able to open it.

and since im at the office right now i dont have access to my home device thats why i entered free plan on my account.

sorry never meant to write bogus information.

as to your question about having a copy on my home machine, this is the copy of my home machine and the actual version of the original file,

sounds like its hopeless right? is there anyway to recover it?


If you’ve purchased a subscription for SketchUp 2023, that’s what you should put in your forum profile.

That doesn’t matter for your forum profile.

So you have just been carrying the external drive between home and the office?

You shouldn’t be using SketchUp Free at the office anyway. Just install SketchUp 2023 and sign in with your email and password as you would do at home.

What about the .skb file? Where is it?

I wouldn’t be hopeful. It might be that @colin will have success but it’s not likely in this case. If this is a model you need, don’t waste time hoping for a miracle. Get busy rebuilding it. If you need to make the file portable, save it on the internal drive as you are working on it. Then copy it to the external drive to take it with you. Or, since you have a subscription, publish the model file to your Trimble Connect storage in addition to saving it on the internal drive. Then you can open it from Trimble Connect at the office.

Please edit your forum profile to reflect the correct version of SketchUp.

In this particular case it looks like the file is chopped off. If you do find the .skb file Dave mentioned, hopefully it will be bigger than 660 MB, and include the bits missing from the .skp.

thanks for your time and consideration Colin.

i have finally uploaded the SKB file, here is the link:

it will be greatly appreciated if you guys can help me.

thank you in advance.

I was able to open the .skb file. I’m working on it now.

So I did my normal cleanup procedure.

Fixed incorrect tag usage.
Screenshot - 1_29_2024 , 10_14_33 AM

Purged the model of unused components and materials you’re hoarding.
Screenshot - 1_29_2024 , 10_17_39 AM

I also reduced the size of the larger texture images. They are much larger than is useful and just add to file bloat. This reduced the file size by 73% which will make it easier to work with. It’s still a huge file and needs more cleanup but hopefully you can open it. I’ll upload it to DropBox and come back with the link as soon as it is done. Before you add anything more to the model, clean up what you already have. The model will open with the face style set to Monochrome to ease the load on your graphics card. There are a lot of exposed back faces shown in blue. Those should get corrected.

Edito add: Here’s the link. You shouldalso fix the model axes. Currently you have the solid blue point down. This will create problems for you when you insert componets. Also, you should move the model close to the origin. And if you don’t need the giant 3D carpet and the loose geometry hanging around, erase it an purge the model again.

Edit number 2.

I found some stuff at a huge distance from the rest of the model. I deleted it along with the giant copy of the carpet and some miscellany floating around. File size has been further reduced. Now by more than 75% of the original. You still have plenty of cleanup work to do, though.

thanks a million dave

im currently not at home and dont wanna try to open it with the free plan web version.

will get home and try to see if i can open it.

i really appreciate your help and time

also thanks a bunch to @colin


Did you download the file, though?

You shouldn’t be using the free web version at the office, anyway. It’s not meant for that.