SketchUp Diffusion Feature Requests

Very yes… just need more control over our materials on our models . New prompts developed ide say in collab.

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Would LOVE to be able to upload some reference images which teach the AI and guide the look and feel of the final render.


Thank you all for your suggestions.
All of them are noted and will be considered for subsequent releases.



I don’t know if this is a bug related with sketchup diffusion, but since I installed it every time I open a new file all the templates are messed up, the tray doesn’t have elements that I use like tags, and outliner but it has instructor and fog, elements that I don’t use and the order is not the one I set up when I created the template, also the tool bar is empty and I have to add the trays I use and the tools as well. I tried creating new templates but it’s the same.

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Save Prompts with Scenes.

When clicking on a scene, the Diffusion plugin should remember and display the corresponding prompt. This would make it easier to have a back-and-forth process between adding model details and refining the prompt


Yes stable diffusion allows also building upon a previous image. I imagine adding this functionality isn’t very complicated. For reference check for instance

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All my custom sketchup interface has gone awol . I had to reset it yesterday after all being well on Friday. Not sure if its related to the diffusion.

Wish we could lock down our chosen interface setups, trays, custom toolbars etc

Something to try: you have your desktop arranged the way you like, go to SketchUp>Preferences>Workspace>Save current window size, this also saves other arrangement parameters. Then be sure to quit SU once normally. When you reopen all should be where you left it.

What about windows users when interface goes weird?

Try Window>Preferences

No such place to save window size like mac. I will check it out further thanks

I need a feature that automatically preserves prompts. When I click on a previously generated image, the prompts used to generate the image should be automatically displayed. This will make it easier for us to explore and improve the prompts.


Yes… like how chatgpt does . That would save alot more time and help to nurture the ai more.

Hi all,

Thank you SO MUCH for all your feedback. Our team is monitoring all these threads very closely.
Allow me to make a summary of what I am reading in this thread and please feel free to chime in with additional thoughts or clarifications:

  1. Diffusion should maintain History where prompts are saved and displayed when previously generated images are selected.
    a. Are there other settings that you would like to be maintained?
    b. Should that history reappear the next time you open the model or the next time you open any model?
  2. Parallel Projection support.
    a. How would you primarily use the generated images if that became available?
    b. Would you add them as Scenes in SketchUp or save them and use them in other applications?
    c. Sidenote: this is something you can already try on the Diffusion version of SketchUp for Web, and SketchUp for iPad. The Desktop version has some challenges we need to address which is why we are currently forcing the Perspective mode.
  3. Ability to import reference images in Diffusion for inheriting a desired style or approximating a personal hand-rendered style.
    a. Would you envision these imported images to stay saved in your Diffusion dialogue as new preset styles or would they be used as a one-off operation for a specific session?
  4. Ability to generate seamless textures.
    a. Is this something that you would use as a stand alone operation for each individual face the same way you use materials in your 3D modeling process? (example create 60x120mm blue bathroom tiles, and apply using the paint bucket tool)
    b. Do you envision the seamless textures to be generated as a by-product of a Diffusion-generated image for an entire scene, where Diffusion will attempt to apply the textures to any visible surface in the viewport?
  5. Generate 3D Models from a floor plan.
    a. How would that be useful / how often do you need to do that?
    b. Is a floorplan something that you would create outside of SketchUp and then import or is the floorplan something that you would expect Diffusion to generate for you?
  6. Clarifications on the training of the Diffusion AI model and the rights to use the imagery for commercial purposes
    This is the place where you will find all relevant information: We will keep updating this page if there are any changes on the AI models we are using and as Trimble’s terms and policy further evolves around GenAI.

Thank you all, and please keep the feedback coming.


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The extension can do both as directed by the user. (A global save button could save a local JSON file for application wide uses in any model.)

Most of the time I would think that the historical attribute dictionary should be attached to individual SketchUp scene pages from which the rendering was done. (If a model did not have any scenes, then the attribute dictionary would be attached to the model.)

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Maybe attribute tagging by Group/Component with saved profiles?

“Modern Arch”: “{"template_name":"Siding","stucco":"Trim1","black":"aluminun","Trim2":"cedar"}”,

“Modern Landscaping”:
"{"template_name":"Retaining Wall","Block":"mosaic","Cap":"Limestone"

Then attribute-templates extracted as formatted Prompts.

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My first thought when seeing this, was, could I scan in my hand l drawn and airbrushed black and white renderings and generate colored versions? I started rendering in 1976 so I don’t have a lot but some of them, I would love to color up so I could add them to my website?

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I’ve written this in another thread, but I guess it should be here too:

  • Inpaint
  • Outpaint
  • Material translation tables
  • Sketch to image (this is possible in Sketchup for iPad as we can sketch on top of a scene and use it for Diffusion, but it’s not possible in Desktop. The feature might be related to markup. Have a markup for desktop.)
  • Area composition
  • Seeds
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Diffusion for desktop will work on any 2d image in the SketchUp file.

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If you had used Sketchup for iPad, used the markup tool to sketch or paint on top of the model, generate a new scene with the sketch as overlay and send it to diffusion, you’d see how cool the process is. I love it.

It relies on a tool that SU has in iPad but not on desktop. This request is, fundamentally, a request for a markup tool in desktop and how useful it would be for diffusion.

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