Hi everybody
Are there any rendering addons, for Sketchup 8, that will work ? I tried Bright 3D, iRender nXT and Ariel Vision. ArielVision worked fairly well. But, after a few renderings, it didn’t work as expected. iRender nXT works, but it IS a 64-bit software. And the renderings are VERY grainy. Why do the other addons have to be extremely expensive? And complicated ? I know there ARE other non-professionals that enjoy the process of creation using Sketchup. But…really…$3800 ??? And some have an even HIGHER price tag.
Gary Stanullwich
I like Kerkythea (CLICK THIS TO D/L). I also use Visualizer. This is not truly a rendering program but it provides a nearly photorealistic image of your model. The company responsible for Visualizer stopped supporting it about a year ago, but it was still available online at no cost. CLICK HERE TO GET VISUALIZER.
Here are several links to previous threads that discuss available rendering options: