SketchUp 2016 Wish list

[quote=“Modern_Man, post:120, topic:3642”]
I’m looking for a way to edit down the number of similar colors in a model.
[/quote] To ‘Consolidate Materials’ into one equivalent there is also my other Plugin:

But that assumes the RGBA values are the same…

As a fellow designer for 3D printing, I recommend doing as much modeling as you can at your print scale and only blowing up the model when you have face issues (intersecting faces is a big one for me) then scale it back down to your working/print scale. You’ll end up with results that are closer to what you want printed that way. :slight_smile:


Please add something as a “snap to rounds” when creating or re-sizing an object. Most of all things have round dimensions ending in zeros, it would be nice to have those dimensions in a “snap to” like it jumps as the center or middle of an object is near. I know I can write it in the dimensions box but it is another step that can be cut off from the creation process.

Have you tried setting the Snap to in Window/Model info/Units

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Please fix it so that also the mac version has a preference to change scroll direction, so that the mac and windows version becomes equal and the mac version becomes useable for those (most people) who use the standard setting for natural scrolling, with its inherent logic that scrolling up on the trackpad moves the object away from you ( as in google earth)

Also please make the snap visible on hi res screen on the mac.

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Change the name “Layer 0” to something that will always float to the top of the Entity Layer list, like “0” or “0 Layer” or “!0”. As I add layers, “Layer 0” ends up in the middle of the list, which I find to be very inconvenient at times as it is highly recommended to always draw on “Layer 0”. The other option is to make “Layer 0” stay pinned at the top of the Entity Layer list.

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  • More tools in the presentation of layout would be great, something more like power point

  • More Import Options into layout, for example, xls and pdf.

  • Some option to place su animations into layout so they can be used in professional presentations.

  • Fullscreen in sketchup and layout for osx

  • Some tool to measure distance and area like command ‘area’ in autocad, but for layout

  • A mini render tool for layout to present a model with some basic idea of reality

  • For style builder, also the option to change color style

  • Previsualization in the windows explorer of sketchup models would be AWESOME

  • Idk if this can be done, when you export the 2d graphic file, it doesnt allow you to give a custom size, please change that, it would be useful for post production rendering

A way to define a print region and assign it to a scene would be handy.
For to scale printouts, If I want to print, I currently need to reduce/adjust my window size and use print preview until I get it right.
Ideally, multiple print regions could be defined to allow the page breaks to occur where I want them. This could reduce the number of scenes instead of a single print region per scene.

A way to take a snapshot of your work.
This would be a virtual (or real) copy of your sketchup work. We can kind of do this today by manually coping over skp files, but I was thinking a bit more virtual like a bookmark. Once we have a snapshot, it could be used to try out different ideas. If the underlying model changes, the changes are included in all the snapshots. Which doesn’t happen if we just copy.

For example,
I create some project and want to try out different accents. I create a snapshot of the project and add whatever accents seem appropriate, e.g. Color, rounded coves, etc.
I could repeat this using multiple snapshots.

Think about this as including the original skp file in the snapshot file (just like an include statement used in programming)
If the underlying file’s changes are somehow incompatible with stuff in the snapshot, too bad. User has to correct snapshot.

I think this would be more workable (less tab clutter) than scenes.

One other aspect of the snapshot would be a way to set a backup point. Like virtually saving your work. That way I can try something and totally mess up, I can revert back to the snapshot(s)

It is called LayOut and it is part of the SketchUp Pro package (it works a bit the other way round: you define a page and place a scene (or several) on it.


I would like to see collision detection for solids. It would work like collision detection in the walk tool but keep solid components from overlapping

NURBS please please please, if you want sketchup to be the industry leader NURBS is a must, and a way to visualy program like grasshopper, NURBS NURBS NURBS NURBS NURBS NURBS NURBS NURBS NURBS NURBS NURBS NURBS

There is a work-around to achieve this in the current SketchUp version by leveraging on nested group structures and assigning different layers to the various group levels. Example:

Group Structure (Outliner) → Layer

  1. Demolition → Phase_Demolition
    1.1. Ground Floor → Level_1
    1.1.1. Concrete → Material_Concrete
    1.1.2. Wood → Material_Wood
    1.1.3. Metal → Material_Metal
    1.2. 2nd Floor → Level_2
    1.2.1. Concrete → Material_Concrete
    1.2.2. Wood → Material_Wood
    1.2.3. Metal → Material_Metal
  2. New → Phase_New
    2.1. Ground Floor → Level_1
    2.1.1. Concrete → Material_Concrete

If you go into Preferences> Shortcuts, you can create multy- key shortcuts. My favorite that i made is View/component edit/hide rest of model: ctrl+shift+spacebar

Hi Ted,

I’ve seen the Shortcuts menu in the Preferences. The request I was trying to make was that I’d like to see multi-letter key combinations… such as R+O, or G+L, or any other combination of alphabetical letters ‘a-z’.

As it stands now shortcuts in SketchUp can only contain a single letter key at a time. and then any additional keys which help distinguish them as unique have to be one of the typical modifiers (alt, opt, ctrl, shift…).

My argument with this single letter key approach (and argument is a bit too strong a word here), is that the combination of ‘R + alt’ doesn’t mean all that much. … while the ‘R’ key could easily be used for the Rotate, or Rectangle tools, the ‘alt’ key as a modifier doesn’t suggest either one of those tools on its own.

If we could, on the other hand, add in an additional letter key such as an O, then that combination of ‘R+O’ can easily stand in for the rotate tool.

Keyboard shortcuts of this nature would be more memorable, not only from a long list of other shortcuts, but also over a period of time.

trying to remember why you might have used ‘opt’, ‘ctrl’, ‘cmd’, or ‘shift’ as a differentiator over time, isn’t as reliable as knowing that most of your KB shortcuts were set up to map the first two letters of the tools name, or an abbreviation, or whatever other mnemonic aid you might wish to set into place.

It’s just a design strategy for managing large quantities of keyboard shortcuts, across various programs, and across a wide period of time.

Ahh, I see what you are driving at now. I think that might be problematic because SketchUp doesn’t really have a command line like Rhino or AutoCAD where typed functions are typically used. It could be interesting if somebody put that together as an extension. A “Ruby Command Line” sort of function.

Revit doesn’t have a command line either, but it has two-letter keyboard shortcuts. The downside in Revit is that it doesn’t have user-definable single-letter shortcuts (with or without modifiers).


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I agree with this one - no reason to limit the key combos to one key and a modifier - unless there’s some system/OS level reason for it. Could be helpful.

There’s a Rotate90 plugin out there - I tied it to a shortcut key and use it all the time. Good luck!