Save Texture UV position

It will be great if sketchup save texture UV position either if unchecked Use texture image in Materials editor and changed it to color

forgive my ignorance: UV position?

It’s like UVW Mapping in 3ds Max, the problem in sketchup when unchecked Use texture image in Materials editor and changed it to color and enter a new image the position for texture is missed for all objects.

@Whaat s plugin SketchUV has a function to save the UV position an reload it after changing the texture…

? I still don’t get it. (sorry)

When you place a texture onto a surface, say a square, you know the X and Y of where the texture starts. But if you also want to know where in the texture corresponds with the start point, you need the X and Y of the pixel in the texture that is used. But, as X and Y are already used for describing positions in space, U and V are used to point to the coordinates in the texture.

It gets more complicated when you start stretching and rotating, or skewing, and so a UV map would be a description of how the coordinates in the texture map to the coordinates in the model.


But doesn’t it already do that? If I rotate a texture and move it, I can sook it up with the pipette and use it (with the same rotation and transformation) on another surface. Or multiple surfaces.