Possible translation error

I think that the message warning that ‘whatever model you’re importing is quite heavy’ in SketchUp for web French version is wrongly translated :

Instead of ‘IMPORTATION DU GRAND MODELE’, it would make more sense to write ‘IMPORTATION D’UN GRAND MODELE’.
Not very drastic at all, but just a bit more pleasing to the eye!

Howdy. I am a developer on the SketchUp for Web team and I wanted to let you know that we appreciate your feedback and we are discussing it internally. As you can imagine translations are challenging to manage because we have a lot of dialogs and a lot of supported languages.

I can’t guarantee the outcome but rest assured we are taking your thoughts into consideration. Personally I would love to hear from any other French-speaking users about this as well.

Ok, thanks for thinking about it, and thank-you for the great work you do!