The new SDK (the one that is available since a few days) do not solve my problem.
Did I missed something in the installation process ?
I set the framework in the “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” panel, and set the “Runpath Search Paths” with the framework folder path.
However, I had to remove and reset the slapi.framework in the “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” panel, everytime Xcode is relaunched.
Did someone ever met such a problem ?
It seems that I do not understand something with the framework : if I transfer the slapi.framework into the user’s /Library/Frameworks folder, all works fine.
Thus, did I need installing the framework somewhere ?
My application packet does not show any dylib or framework after the compilation… Will I need to incorporate the framework installation process on the user’s computer into my own installer, or will it be automatically embedded it into my app ?
Sorry for such naive questions , I’m not very skilled with third party frameworks and libs and thanks by advance for your help !
So, for those of you that need the solution, I found a procedure for my problem
Thus, it is also necessary to copy the framework into the app’s bundle with a new Build phase that is tagged “copy”, and to add a “Copy Files” item with the slapi.framework.
I don’t know if that is absolutely required, but I added the path “@executable_path/…/Frameworks” to the “Runpath Search paths” field of the “Build Settings”.