Hi, hopefully these are silly newbie problems as I’m on a steep learning curve. Having done a design in sketchup and layout using the trial version of sketchup pro 2014, I have now bought a 2015 license, upgraded, and am having various problems.
The design is of a panel membrane label to go on the front of a fire alarm panel, with a window for the display, navkey buttons, and graphics (text and logos). I have modelled it as a flat XY plane in sketchup, then done a drawing in Layout to send to the manufacturers.
Lost Layout Info
I had added lots of dimensions and labels to the layout view, and these have all disappeared when I load the .layout file in layout2015. Any idea what could cause this? -
Scaling and Position
Each time I open the layout file, or reload the skp file, the scaling and position of the sketchup model changes, with the scaling always seeming to jump to something like 1.93432:1. It takes two attempts to get the scaling back to 1:1 - the first time I change it to 1:1 it jumps to 1:2, and I change it to 1:1 again and it finally goes to 1:1. Similarly I keep having to mess with the position to get the 2D view of the model central in my A4 drawing boarder. -
Text and Graphics
The sketchup model includes things like text (drawn as text labels), images (imported from pngs etc), and face colors, and these often go a bit screwy in Layout. For example the text jumps around as I zoom in and out.
Have I just misunderstood the basics of sketchup and layout and am expecting too much of it? I’m after a mechanical engineering cad tool that can generate proper mechanical and graphical designs and manufacturing drawings. We don’t do enough of it to justify buying a Solidworks license, and Sketchup Pro seemed a sensible alternative.
Any help gratefully received