If I understand this well, objects should always be created in Layer0, and later moved to different layers to set visibility.
IF this is correct (not sure I fully understood the problem…), I now have created a pretty complex 3D model with many objects created in one of the other layers. When I make a layer invisible, some objects in other layers disappear.
Any way to fix this issue without restarting the drawing from scratch?
You could try my LayerWatcher…
This has various tools [read its usage - there are many helpful tools…]
One of them might be very useful for you - it is a context-menu item to revert all geometry [edges and faces] in selected entities to be assigned to Layer0 - including any similar geometry nested in any selected groups or component instances.
Try it on a copy and see if that helps…
SketchUcation has free memberships [read the details], once a member you can download any of the hundreds of available RBZ files and also take part in the forums there…
I am not sure I understand what is intended with “raw geometry” in sketchup. Is this ANY item created (rectangles, lines, 3d objects after pushing etc.) or just some of them?
If I understand well, the correct procedure is:
Create objects in Layer0
Convert to group or component some of those objects as required
Move the group/component to a new layer.
In a nutshell: NEVER move single items (like lines or faces) to a new layer, or create them in layers different than Layer0. Is that correct?
Thanks for your help. Very appreciated. I used SketchUp for a while now but probably did not understand this intricacies since the beginning.
There is often some confusion about layers because there is an expectation they work like photoshop layers etc.
Instead of thinking you are “moving” geometry from one layer to another, its better to think of it as assigning its visibility to that layer. Given the issues surrounding this, Sketchup should have inbuilt what TIG has created, which is a warning when modeling on any layer other than “0”. My understanding is that only items like text and dimensions can be drawn on another layer because they aren’t geometry as such.There may be more elegant ways to do it, but you can always “delete” all the layers other than “0” and when prompted select "move to layer “0”. If this sounds crazy you can always try it with a copy of the file.Then once its all back on layer zero you can the assign to layers, but always good to get into the habit of grouping elements ( or make components) to be assured that their individual elements stay together and cannot end up piecemeal on different layers.
Exactly so. And if you get into the habit of creating Groups/Components almost as soon as you start drawing something, you would likely never have anything visible in Layer 0 if you turned off visibility of other layers. Although you might have text and dimensions in Layer 0 perhaps if you don’ have a dedicated layer for them. It isn’t obvious what version of SU you are using as your profile is incomplete. If it is Pro, you will have Layout and that is where most people would put text and dimensions.
That’s a really good point but I wonder why it works that way. Experienced users will always say that raw geometry should be on Layer 0 so why does it inherit the layer assignment and not revert to Layer0?
It is probably just a big hammer approach by the programmer. Essentially all the group or components attributes are applied to the geometry. This includes all transformations that have been applied to the group. Think about the following scenario.
create a rectangle.
select the rectangle and make it a group
apply a texture to the group
move, rotate and scale the group.
explode the group
all of the raw geometry contained within the group has been transformed.
The groups texture has been applied to both sides of the face of the rectangle.
Didn’t realized that. That’s a very important detail - thanks…
Thanks so much everyone. At the end I restarted my model from scratch and, for the first time in YEARS, I see the model very solid, with no issues and distorted geometry. I work in a completely different field. I use SketchUp intensely for a period, then don’t touch it for months. Therefore, I have to re-learn it very time…
However, now maybe I am doing something else stupid :)… When two geometries are in contact (imagine the walls of an house that I need to make visible/invisible depending on which perspective I want to show the interiors) I could not find a simple way to convert only one of the two geometry to a group before moving it to a new layer. In other words, looks to me that if I create two geometries that are sharing a face, and I forgot to create a group of the first before creating the second, I need to go back all the way before moving it to a new layer.
This looks crazy to me. Does exist a simpler way, maybe?
best to have each wall as separate groups. or use a section plane to see in side form each angle.
If you are only wanting the interior and are not interested in the exterior you can apply a solid texture on theinternal faces and a transparent one on the outside…so you can see in…?
I am not exactly sure why you would create faces on the same plane? If you want to view internal walls with external walls off, ideally you group the external walls and the internal walls separately and then create 2 scenes “internal walls” & “external walls”, in the “internal walls” scene the external walls would be hidden. You could also use a layer to do yet I do not think it is best practice. If however, you are trying to view items inside the wall Eg insulation which runs on a similar plane you may want to add the insulation geometry to a layer and the external cladding on another layer inside the group. you could control the visibility with scenes as they are easier than layers to access and use.
Or you could use PlusSpec as this automates all of this yet it is very expensive, actually more expensive than Sketchup itself and on top of that, it is subscription. PlusSpec is really designed for a full-time design or construction professional who may not have time to learn the intricacies and best working practices of Sketchup. Pagn it may be better to use PlusPSec Lite or the monthly version of PlusSpec pro and cancel or pause the subscription when you are not using it. I hope that helps.
That’s simply just not true at all. Everyone has their own workflow, some of the best visuals (specifically using colour by tag) can only be created when some faces are tagged a certain thing other then layer 0 (untagged). To each their own Cotty.
To avoid confusion for any new users coming to this thread that has been resurrected after four years, from back when Tags were called Layers.
While it is possible to assign tags/layers to raw geometry it is not recommended you do so until you fully understand what it is you are doing.
Best to stick with the simple concept that only ‘objects’ should be assigned a Tag/Layer for visibility purposes. An ‘object’ being a group, component, dimension, text, image etc and not a face or edge.
Further down the track, once understanding the software better you may decide to tag/layer raw geometry for a specific reason, or even change the active layer at times.
But simply put, always leave Untagged/layer 0 as the active tag/layer and only assign tags/layers to groups, components, dimensions etc
and be aware the if you explode a group or component
SU will put the raw entities (eg edges) in the tag of that group or component
doing exactly the opposite of what is considered good advice
a SU bug as far as I am concerned! which should be fixed
so if you have been following good practice but still find raw entities in tags… this is most likely the reason…
you can always use the Cleanup extension to put all entities back into “untagged” (layer 0)
I think that’s stated better than others generally have.
BTW, in my idiosyncratic way, I decided that the only tags/layers to have raw geometry on them should start their name with an ! (exclamation mark). Not only does it seem appropriate, but the sort order of the layer palette puts them immediately under Untaged.
Experienced forum users tend to say, ‘never’ and ‘always’ when it comes to raw geometry and tags to try to instill an understanding of how tags work at the most basic level. This is because anyone who knows knows and anyone who doesn’t know needs to know. Channeling Rumsfeld again.
The fact you can change the active tag and do all the other things implies that there is a reason to do so, but it is at a more advanced level of understanding. We tend not to talk about the advance usage in a thread that isn’t about that. We would when appropriate.
Also it’s not often that the more experienced user falls foul of their own workflow and as such doesn’t have a handy repertoire of perfect examples of why not to do something.
Only yesterday I had such an issue. I had a 2d floorplan all white on a white background, black edges. All parts of the floor plan grouped and tagged appropriately. I changed the active Tag to Dims so I could add dimensions I wanted in SU but not to show in Layout. So the Dims tag would be off in the scene used in layout. While adding the dims I noticed I had a single edge wrong and without thinking deleted and redrew it. As everything was white on white I didn’t notice this deleted a face and remade it, but therefore assigned to the Dims tag.
So once I moved into layout the offending face was missing, causing all sorts of issues. Easily fixed once I realised what I had done, but confusing as hell at first. Before anyone offers suggestions of ‘why are you doing it that way’ I’ll point out it is commission work that has a very specific format that has to be followed.