More Reconstruction Projects of Ruined/Demolished Monasteries and Churches

1. Church of the Virgin Hodegetria, Kosovo

A Serbian Orthodox Church built in the early / first-half of 14th century CE, located in Mušutište village. Based on the era when the construction started, it must be a Vardar / Serbo-Byzantine Architecture style (a Serbian variant of Byzantine architecture adaptation).

2. Chiajna Monastery, Romania

A Romanian Orthodox Monastery built in late 18th century CE (presumably 1780-1790, other sources stated later years), located in Bucharest. It is never completed so no idea of how it should look like, some stated it should have been a Neoclassical building. My reconstruction is a mix of Neoclassical and Moldovenesc architecture style.

3. Church of the Nativity, Russia

A Russian Orthodox Church built in 1788-1820, and located in Krokhino, Vologda Oblast. It was flooded in the 20th century and gradually crumbled into a ruin. This church has an unusual “ship” form and built in Russian Baroque architecture style, albeit simpler in appearance unlike the grand high-end-looking ones found in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

4. Bieti Church, Georgia (inaccurate)

A Georgian Orthodox Church built in 14th century CE, and located in Mtskheta-Mtianeti region of Georgia. The placement and numbers of openings/windows might be inaccurate. The style might also be inaccurate because I just follow the common medieval church architecture principles of Georgia, with no specific style present.