This is a place that I would really like to see. Studying the plan after a long time what strikes me is that compared to our current age of McMansions, the building is after all not very big for a luxury villa. OK, my current apartment might fit inside the living room (except for being probably higher) but what you see today in publications like the ArchDaily webpage is often in excess of at least 500 m².
It is well worth the pilgrimage. I’ve been twice. The first time in architecture school with classmates when we could do it in a day from Philadelphia. At the time, I was blown away by the architecture. Years later I went with my wife after I had been practicing for over a decade, and thought,“No wetlands commission today would give you a permit for being within 50 feet of open water, let alone over it.”
It is the kind of thing you have to experience to understand. The ceilings are very low (FLW was kinda short as I understand it) and many spaces are small and cozy really. I would love to live in it.
This was apparently built as a “summer house”.
I was looking at it on Google Earth and realized that two years ago I was less than half a mile from the place and didn’t know it. Of course it was in the middle of the night and I was on a train that doesn’t stop there.
Did you get off at the Hershey stop?
Nah. We were head to DC and back.
I guess if we’d gone to Hershey I could have asked about the tunnel to the basement of the Fallingwater house, though.
I’m seeing four videos from yesterday’s stream in my youtube subscriptions. They range from 16 seconds to the full 1:38.
Yeah… an issue with our streaming service, I think… should be fixed now. Sorry for that!
Well, if the problem persists, go for the larger hammer.
Nice presentation. But at the bottom of page 6, the threads of the pancake head and low profile head screws are left-handed.
Lego version from me. I started with the bricks replicating the real world version but found that half way through the landscape section my laptop ran slower and slower so I made the bricks solid with a flat base to reduce geometry. I also modelled the three sections as separate sections and put them together at the very end.
Fallingwater.skp (12.6 MB)
If you don’t visit the house, you will never fully appreciate the warmth and inherent comfort as well as the incredible detailing.
As an aside,
We were told that there are 100 steps inside the house. The guided tour is well worth the cost as the areas you can visit are significantly expanded not to mention the wonderful sound of the waterfall!