Medeek BIM

With regards to open risers the stair module does give you three options: Open, Closed and Partial.

When the partial option is selected it creates the riser but with the maximum 4" gap as Garry explained above.


This version of SketchUp talk features ThomThom, one of my favorite role models and developers. He has also helped me numerous times on this forum with my more technical programming issues, so some of my success with my own plugins is partly due to the efforts of ThomThom. Please take the time and view this episode of Talk:

I found ThomThom’s comment about coding because he needed to get something done (rather than because he likes to code) similar to my own thinking. I don’t consider myself a “programmer” so much as a developer trying to achieve the automation of specific tasks.

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This video has a brief mention of the following organization:

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It would be greatly appreciated to hear recommendations for a SketchUp to LayOut workflow utilizing all the Medeek plugins.


I have some interesting emails with current users of the electrical plugin and how they are utilizing it within Layout. I actually don’t understand all of the details on the steps they are using but I really wish more people would post up their solutions on the forum or even better make a Youtube video explaining their methodology.


As a plugin developer I can concur it is both very useful and fun to see how one’s plugins are used.It’s both gratifying and helps in the design work.


How’s the progress on the Medeek Estimator?

Here are a couple new videos about estimating with Quantifier Pro from Justin Geis (TheSketchUpEssentials):

I am thinking that these videos might be a good point of reference.

Can I export house info from SketchUp Pro using Medeek BIM suite in format similar to attached image?
(Or, could be done with Generate Report if model is arranged properly?)


Just writing to continue the encouragement started by donneyclark to Mr. Wilkerson.
Really looking forward to the BIM tools to tie the plugins together for estimating purposes.


The estimating module is still very much a work in progress however I’ve made some headway with gable, shed and hip walls as well as gable rafter and hip rafter roofs.

I’m currently working on integrating the various foundation types into the estimator.

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Bump the topic. A contractor was asking me for this kind of report today. I was able to copy and paste wall info into Excel FWIW. Is there more to know about what can be done with the estimator at this point?

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I haven’t posted a tutorial video on the estimating module yet because I feel like it is still too much of a work in progress. However, I may spend a few days at it in this next week and then put something out for consumption.

P.S. (Mar. 14, 2022)
Tutorial #28 is a preview of the Medeek Estimator. I have also added in a cost database recently:


It is that time of year again and with quite a few more updates added to the Wall, Truss and Foundation plugins it makes sense to encourage everyone to upgrade to the latest versions of the plugins.

In an effort to get as many customers up-to-date and using these new feature I will be offering a renewal promotion on all the plugins for thirty days (Apr. 11 - May 15).

The regular license (renewal) prices are given below:

Medeek Truss - $75.00 USD
Medeek Wall - $75.00 USD
Medeek Foundation - $60.00 USD
Medeek Electrical - $45.00 USD

The promotional (renewal) prices are given below:

Medeek Truss - $50.00 USD
Medeek Wall - $50.00 USD
Medeek Foundation - $40.00 USD
Medeek Electrical - $30.00 USD

These promotional prices will take affect Apr. 11, 2022 and end May 15, 2022. All renewals, prior and after this time frame, will be at the regular price, unless superseded by a previous or future promotion. No rain checks will be given, and this promotion only applies to permanent licenses and not to subscription licenses.

Please note that if you have recently purchased a permanent license for one of the plugin(s), you can still take advantage of this renewal offer. Renewing your license while it is still active simply adds an additional year to the license expiration date and future proofs you for upcoming updates and releases.

This is a fairly substantial discount in hopes of getting as many users to upgrade to the latest versions of the plugins as possible. In the last year, the updates to all the plugins have been fairly significant. I would very much like to see everyone taking advantage of these updates and utilize the new and improved feature that have been added to the plugins.

Thank-you for your continued support and for your continued interest and enthusiasm in the development of these plugins.


As I mentioned in previous comments I will be moving the estimating module into a separate extension since it works with all of the plugins and not just the Wall plugin.

This new plugin/extension will be called Medeek Project.


The mdkBIM educational pricing is now set at $42.00 USD (15% of the regular price of $280.00 USD).

Details on educational licensing can be found here:


@medeek What’s the roadmap looking like right now?

I don’t have anything specific to announce at the moment but within a few weeks I should have a better idea.

I did decide to move the educational pricing back to 10% of the regular price though, so now it is $28.00 USD, I think asking $42.00 was too much of a stretch for most students.

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Well this finally showed up in the mail today.


As many of you know there is currently not a bulk or volume renewal for the mdkBIM Suite (ie. renew all of your licenses at once while obtaining a reduced renewal rate). At the present one must renew each plugin separately. The intent behind this piecemeal renewal system is to allow for the user to renew only those plugins that they need to renew. Due to the fact that not all of the plugins are developed at the same speed or updated on the same schedule this system seems to make sense in most cases.

However the one major downside to this system has been that the renewal price (renew permanent license) is the same for any given plugin regardless if the license holder has license just for just that plugin or for all the mdkBIM plugins. In my mind if you have purchased all of the plugins in the mdkBIM suite then there should be some sort of discount applied at renewal time.

With that being said I am running a pilot renewal program starting with the Wall plugin specifically. Renewals are still done separately as before, however if the billing system detects that you hold licenses for all five mdkBIM plugins (even if they have expired, purchased years ago) it will apply a discounted renewal price.

If you do not hold licenses or have not purchased licenses for all five of the mdkBIM plugins (Wall, Truss, Foundation, Floor, and Project) the billing system will only be able to offer the regular renewal price.

The Wall plugin now has the following (permanent) license renewal pricing:

Regular Renewal: $75.00 USD

mdkBIM Discount Renewal: $50.00 USD

Note that this applies only to the Wall plugin. This same discounting system will probably be applied to all of the other mdkBIM plugins after a certain trial period and feedback has been received from you, the user base. I appreciate your patience in this matter.

Please feel free to send me comments or feedback in this regard.

On a different note. I had a little fun late last night integrating the floor plugin with all of the rest of the mdkBIM extensions to try and create a very simple ADU. I really need to do some more live videos where I take the plugins through an entire structure, I think this would be very helpful.

P.S. (Feb. 4, 2025)
I am still working on a bulk or volume renewal system for the mdkBIM Suite (ie. renew all of your licenses at once while obtaining a reduced renewal rate). At the present one must renew each plugin separately. The good news is that even though the renewal process is still piecemeal, I have added some logic to the renewal system so that it will now detect if you hold licenses for all five mdkBIM plugins (even if they have expired, purchased years ago). If you do have all five licenses, listed within your client profile, it will automatically apply a discounted renewal price for each plugin.

The discounted renewal prices for each mdkBIM plugin is:

Medeek Wall: $50.00 USD

Medeek Truss: $50.00 USD

Medeek Foundation: $40.00 USD

Medeek Floor: $40.00 USD

Medeek Project: $8.00 USD

Please note, if you do not hold licenses or have not purchased licenses for all five of the mdkBIM plugins (Wall, Truss, Foundation, Floor, and Project) the billing system will only be able to offer the regular renewal price(s).

Also, please note that the renewal prices listed above will be the same pricing level applied once the bulk renewal system is in place. The total renewal price for the mdkBIM bundle will be $188.00 USD.

Again, thank-you for your patience in this matter. Please feel free to send me comments or feedback in this regard or on any other matter. I sincerely appreciate all of the feedback I have received these last few months, the plugins are where they are today because of you.

Thank-you for you continued support.

P.S. (Feb. 8, 2025)

For those who can not be bothered to renew each license separately, I have come up with a solution finally. If you are mdkBIM license holder (ie. you have all five licenses - Wall, Truss, Floor, Foundation, and Project) you will now notice that when you click on the mdkBIM icon in the Account Manager on the Medeek website that the renewal price will appear instead of the regular “new” price. In other words you can purchase a new mdkBIM bundle (all five licenses) at the renewal price.

Note, that this is technically not a renewal of any of your licenses, it simply allows you to purchase new licenses at the discounted (renewal) price. For those who are wanting to sync up all their licenses to the same renewal date this is a convenient solution. However, note that if time is remaining on any existing licenses it is not applied to the new licenses.