I didn’t say that their will be a sub-categories in " In Model " materials, the sub-categories are only for Layers and Scenes.
I don’t think that will make any problem.
.[quote=“eneroth3, post:18, topic:18707”]
Would the group be copied to?
Yes, that would be useful if I don’t want to merge the copied material with a same material in the new scene, if I want merge it, we could delete the group then a popup will show up asking if I want to merge similar materials.[quote=“eneroth3, post:18, topic:18707”]
What if the same material exists but in another group?
Adding any material to any group that will make it unique, it’s already have a different name which is the Shortcode, and that Shortcode display in older versions of SketchUp.
A text field to filter materials and layers would be useful, but not all users memorizes the names of their materials, I think most of us select their materials from the thumbnail, also if the model sent to another firm they don’t know the names of the materials in the scene, so adding them to a groups with a related name will help them to browse the"Window Materials".
Thanks for your questions !
if any anyone have any suggestion, we would appreciated if he share it with us.