Mac Pro for SketchUp

Anyone using a Mac Pro (trash can) style?
I found a refurbished one on eBay for $1800
I would image this would be awesome for SU
Let me know

While a Mac Pro would certainly be a capable machine, SketchUp won’t use many of its features. For example, SketchUp will use only a single CPU core no matter how many are present. Clock speed and basic CPU architecture benefit SketchUp but not multiple CPUs. Similarly, while SketchUp needs a reasonably capable graphics card, it won’t use multiple cards and won’t use the more advanced features of gaming graphics. Lots of RAM will benefit everything, including SketchUp, as will a fast disk such as SSD.

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But it should be a great machine for sketchup, yeah?
I’m trying to get away from pc, I have a Mac mini, which is not really up to it, graphics are terrible, but I never really bought it for SU
Also if I get the pro would I need an UHD screen do you think?
Any alternatives to the pro in your opinion

A friend has one of those and still likes after the several years he’s had it.

SSD is one thing that can make any machine seem a lot faster.

Here’s the current specs page, if you want to see if $1800 seems a good deal:

As you can see, it can drive three 5K monitors. Friends of mine have taken a novel approach to a larger screen, in that they bought a 40 inch Samsung Smart TV, 4K. It has HDMI, and can even be used with my MacBook Pro at that resolution. Under $500.

be aware before buying.

Best you can do on Mac is using a 4K 21-24" screen or 5K 27" screen which can be used in special retina mode everything has the size like you are working on he full HD screen only amazing sharp!!!

I’m using a MacBook Pro 2017 with 2 x Dell 24" 4K screens and I love it!

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