Looking for a Freelance Designer (modeler)

I own a small construction company and usually do my own models but we are getting crazy busy, (not a bad problem) but I can’t keep up with all that I need to do on both sides of my job. I am looking to hire someone to help out when needed. Help with Sketchup and Layout and Vray.
I need someone asap! Thank you!

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i can surely help, lets talk more on this on skype - live:charles_10661 you can also reach me on charles.c@talentsfromindia.com
charles L

Thank you for replying to my message. Do you have a website or any info about you that I can take a look at?
Thank you

My name is Stephen Mentzer and I am designer currently living in Hillsboro, OR. I saw your design
position posted on Indeed. I would love the opportunity to sit down and discuss my love of construction
and design with you. I’m interested in designing for you. I have a broad base of experience in 2D and 3D
renderings in different programs including, but not limited to Sketchup and Revit. Find me on
instagram@stephenmentzer and linkedin.com/in/stephenmentzer

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Hi Amy

I am also working on a 3k sq ft house I do not have any images posted at this time. I could post what I have finished if you are interested.

Stephen Mentzer

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I would love to talk more about this opportunity with you. Let me know when you’d be available to chat!
You can check out our work on instagram@brewcitybuilderscustomdecks

Thank you for reaching out!

Hi Amy

I am available on Friday any time from 8:00 to 3:00. Please let me know.

Stephen Mentzer

Great, can you give me an idea of your fees
and schedule

Hey Amy Being busy is a nice problem to have. I would love to have a conversation about how i can help. Im an architect in the Miami FL area and provide a lot of ArchViz work for my clients and builders in the area.
Please feel free to reach out to me directly: eric@swakon.com or check out my website which has a few of my sample projects: www.swakon.com


Hi Amy, I’ve sent you a private message

Hi Amy

I will call tomorrow

Stephen Mentzer

Hello Amy
im intersted in your offer , plz contact me via my :

linkidin https://www.linkedin.com/in/laoumera-l-87a338137/

this is my work : Behance

Hi Amy, just adding my name to the list of SketchUp modelers interested.


Hi! I can provide some help with Sketchup and Layout!. contact me.